After a tough year and a bit of Covid restrictions and uncertainty we are delighted to have offered the busiest and funnest summer programme we've delivered for years!

Huge thanks go to all our funders, staff, volunteers and young people for making this much needed summer programme such fun!

Over the past few weeks we have built new relationships and strengthened existing ones with our young people and we have also seen friendships cemented and new friendships beginning. Feedback from our young people and observations from our staff and volunteers has been hugely positive but this Facebook post from one of our y/p's parents nicely sums up what we've managed to achieve:

“X is just through the door, battered and bruised complete with broken glasses and declared “the best day ever!” Huge thanks to Dave, Aaron and the rest of the Peebles youth club for the most amazing 7 weeks of trips, meals out and for just making these young kids have fun for the first time in 18 months. I couldn’t of dreamed for more for all our teens to be normal again.”

Leena Crichton